[22:40:52] enwiki is returning blank pages. [22:41:22] dmacks: example? [22:41:32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page [22:41:51] works for me... [22:41:54] Quickly loads (no spinning cursor or timeout). But what "loads" is nothing. [22:42:25] all pages I assume? and you're logged in? [22:42:46] Yup. All pages (incl Special), and also commons. [22:42:50] what about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page?safemode=1 [22:43:33] Works. And now (even without that token added to URL) things work. [22:43:41] dafuq?? [22:44:00] huh [22:44:32] Ok, I blame [spins wheel] "dry joints on cable plug" and/or "quantum decoherence". [22:44:56] glad it's back at least [22:45:15] Ayup. All good now thanks for listening [22:45:35] :) [22:46:44] quantum decoherence probably isn't a bad thing to blame these days [22:48:06] :) [22:48:33] so you have one of Simon toys ? :D