[05:16:46] I am new. I don't understand if I am Supposed to be working with wikipedia, Github , or Apache or who is hosting. The article is already protected. I am unable to login to.phabricator it says due to vandalism which.I did not do. I have no idea how to code and cannot use pc.I habe a broken old tablet. My modem connection is not secure. I really do [05:16:47] not want to use my email. I would really appreciate some help. I haven't been able to login anywhere. It is just a big mess. [05:28:56] I have on this tablet in downloads instructions new user name but I read further that it was destructible spaces and why did they start that when.it says you cannot change anything at this moment I do not trust anyone. I just want a reliable person to tell me what I should do.it has been s roller coaster people say just go here and preview it is [05:28:56] all in code. I thought it was a wiki page to preview I was so excited then code what a letdown this has been going on three years I just want to finish it. [05:45:15] one more thing, whoever is monitoring my system can they see what I am doing right now. That would not be good. Hoe can I do this privately. [05:59:27] What does kick mean: My behaviour is not conducive What does that mean? No one here will help me?