[11:32:10] hey folks, submitted my first patch (https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/ConfirmAccount/+/875819) but not sure whom to request reviews from, would appreciate a hand if anyone has a sec [13:48:28] congrats, marks [13:53:00] I'm not familiar with the postgresql part [13:53:16] I see amir already commented [20:50:56] hi, what it the tag to use for config changes for the wikimedia wiki's in phabricator these days? [20:51:23] Wikimedia-Site-requests [20:52:48] tx [20:53:17] my pet peeve is how outdated that term is. it's from a time when that meant that someone with root edits a config directly [20:53:41] now it means to upload a patch and find a deployer and window [20:54:16] I remember it was called shell-requests [20:54:53] which is indeed vi Localsettings.php or something :-) Bound to be different these days [21:30:06] oh no, our config is under configuration management :') [21:45:18] also because that means it's different people who should be notified [21:45:29] but yea.. it will work for your request [22:46:14] am a little confused around the backport process; I’m seeing a load of deprecation warnings running 1.39 on PHP8 against postgres, which I’ve confirmed https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/856719 fixes, so I imagine it’d be good to get it into REL1_39 - have read https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Backporting_fixes#Backports_to_stable/supported_release, but I can’t find a p [22:46:14] hab ticket for that change? [22:46:28] think the cherry pick is clean so shouldn’t be too bad [22:48:25] some changes don't have phab tasks (they should, almost always) [22:48:46] I think https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T184188 would be the phab task if someone had looked for it [22:49:08] huh, I was getting a different warning ("Deprecated: pg_escape_bytea(): Automatic fetching of PostgreSQL connection is deprecated in /var/www/html/includes/libs/rdbms/database/DatabasePostgres.php on line 1060”) than in that task [22:49:25] code lines move around ;) [22:49:42] I looked for the function instead :) [22:49:47] and took a guess [22:49:54] :) [22:52:09] so if I’ve read the page right, next step is to add #MW-1.39-release to it? it’s causing deprecation warnings on almost every page (seemingly) on a fresh 1.39+php8+postgres install [22:54:01] I've drawn the author and owner to that task [22:54:21] thanks :) [22:54:26] and if you think it should be resolved on 1.39, yes, add the 1.39 release tag [22:57:40] gotcha! (still finding my way around MW development processes) [23:34:27] here's my weird question of the day: why does https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=hastemplate%3AModule%3ANavbar+-hastemplate%3AHlist%2Fstyles.css&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns1=1&ns2=1&ns3=1&ns4=1&ns5=1&ns6=1&ns7=1&ns8=1&ns9=1&ns10=1&ns11=1&ns12=1&ns13=1&ns14=1&ns15=1&ns100=1&ns101=1&ns118=1&ns119=1&ns710=1&ns711=1&ns828=1&ns829=1&ns2300=1&ns2301=1&ns2302=1&ns2303=1 drag up files from commons that have no local [23:34:28] description