[02:28:03] Platonides: hola, I think you need a shorter subdomain! [02:28:54] legoktm: it's a test instance [02:29:34] the subdomain was made ugly on purpose, so that people didn't consider making it "official" :D [02:30:05] Unfortunately I have forgotten most of my Spanish and missed pruebas [02:30:56] Awesome though!! [02:33:12] Platonides: you are welcome to copy the Wikis World policies and rules, and we can share our ban list [02:33:28] Also https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikis_World#Terms_of_service might be helpful [02:35:31] oh, I hadn't seen that page [02:36:43] we just installed mastodon locally [02:37:05] well, the dev one [02:43:22] can the emoji set be imported in bulk? [02:58:41] Platonides: there's a CLI importer I believe [03:03:33] so much to discover how to setup :) [04:06:08] Platonides: (sorry was slightly distracted) of course, because we're using a hosting provider with no CLI access, we imported them all by hand!! [04:06:23] I did file a bug asking for an API to upload emojis [12:04:20] gerrit seems very slow [12:04:44] both the web ui and cloning (<100 KiB/s) [12:50:42] Are we still using GrimoireLab? https://chaoss.community/chaosscon-2023-eu/ [20:40:37] Nemo_bis: yes, we use it via the SaaS hosted . Andre is going to be at FOSDEM, but I don't know if he's aware of this CHAOSScon event. [20:44:40] bd808: thanks [20:53:39] * bd808 has left a note for Andre about CHAOSScon in another chat system [21:44:59] legoktm found it: tootctl emoji import PATH # Import emoji from a TAR GZIP archive at PATH [21:54:05] [[Tech]]; L10nM4st3r; /* Editing a page to add wikitext into it using JS */; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=24432075&oldid=24426306&rcid=26135032 [21:55:19] Platonides: nice, you can use https://emojos.in/wikis.world to see what emoji other instances have, I'm sure someone has written a bulk downloader somewhere [21:56:08] [[Tech]]; L10nM4st3r; /* Editing a page to add wikitext into it using JS */; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=24432084&oldid=24432075&rcid=26135042 [21:57:41] [[Tech]]; L10nM4st3r; /* Editing a page to add wikitext into it using JS */; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=24432089&oldid=24432084&rcid=26135049 [22:06:02] yep, seems I will need to manual upload anyway [22:15:29] Is there a way to find out who has +2 rights on a particular repository on gerrit? [22:18:39] I think there's a path where it shows it [22:18:57] which might give you group names, though [22:20:59] I've managed to find it. Thanks. [23:26:27] it needs to be a gzipped tar, a plain tar won't work.. [23:27:21] lots of emojis sto^W imported