[04:49:18] "who has moderator functions on..." <- Hi! You'll want to set up a plumbed Matrix room, like `#wikipedia-ru:matrix.org` and then link it ("plumbing") to the IRC `#wikipedia-ru`, and then bridge Discord into Matrix, via https://t2bot.io/discord/ [08:21:29] "Hi! You'll want to set up a..." <- Hello! I connected the bot to #wikipedia-ru:libera.chat and now I need someone to run the bridge command :( [17:06:02] Hello all, my question is not really for Wikis, but the mailing lists. The list:member:regular:footer isn't showing non-latin characters (we get question marks at the bottom of the emails). How to fix that? [17:06:28] If anyone helps to fix, would be a great help. [17:12:10] Tanvir: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/190/ is probably the right place to report specific problems with UTF-8 and our Mailman3 deployment. The software is https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/ and you might be able to find hints about what needs to be changed by doing some web searches. [17:13:21] bd808: I tried web searches, the fixes are on the server side (as I understood). I don't have any concrete ideas. [17:15:20] Thanks for the link. I'll report there. [17:21:05] Tanvir: I wonder if the fix is as easy as https://wiki.list.org/DOC/4.90%20My%20list%27s%20moderator%20interface%20and%20plain%20format%20digests%20have%20garbled%20non-ascii.%20Change%20English%20charset%20to%20utf-8. [17:21:26] Looking.. [17:21:32] We do not seem to have any explict `charset:...` stanzas in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/puppet/+/refs/heads/production/modules/mailman3/templates/mailman.cfg.erb [17:23:54] bd808: The wiki.list.org link is not working. Shows this page doesn't exist. [17:24:39] Got it now. [17:24:48] That link horribly ends with a `.` and it is very likely that your user-agent was dropping that [17:27:11] Yes. If you meaning adding "[language.en] charset: utf-8", this requires editing mailman.cfg. [20:55:49] legoktm: reminder about https://coverage.toolforge.org/