[11:55:45] So healthy ecosystem! https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/01/11/a-year-in-core-2023/ [11:55:56] Only 23% known sponsored [13:48:07] Hello! Can someone please tell me where I can find the sources for the `mediawiki-jobrunner` docker image (e.g. https://docker-registry.wikimedia.org/dev/buster-php80-jobrunner/tags/) [13:51:06] rvogel_: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/releng/dev-images/-/tree/main/dockerfiles/buster-php80-jobrunner [13:54:15] Thanks a lot! [17:23:01] Krinkle: maybe the wordpress core is less functionality than I would expect, but "39 Core Committers committed code to the WordPress SVN repository this year (32 in 2022)" seems like not many people. [23:19:57] bd808: aren't committers the equivalent of our +2'ers? contributors being almost 500 [23:27:40] Hmpf the crstats repo was stuck at f997d67c933aeea3f22cfaf1b4fc4dca2ffeb1f7