[12:24:46] Lol [12:24:47] lol [12:24:48] lol [12:24:49] l [12:24:50] l [12:24:51] lol [12:24:52] l [13:47:11] https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-2824-embracing-matrix-for-enhanced-communication-migrating-the-wordpress-community-from-slack-to-matrix/ [17:20:14] So sometimes it feels like its hard to keep track of all the going ons of the MediaWiki community, so I'm thinking of starting a signpost-like newsletter for MediaWiki (Different from tech news in that it would be a lot more in depth, and the target audience would be ourselves instead of community outreach) [17:20:35] provisionally https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Echo