[13:08:20] https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/s/1UoccapCai [13:08:32] bug or feature? [13:09:02] bug, i think. let me find the ticket [13:09:46] is this the same problem as https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T357724 ? [13:11:36] there were a few changes to the mobile site this week, and i think most of them were unintended. some fixes are supposed to go live today, when the people responsible wake up (they're in the US) [13:36:03] It looks like the same problem. Thank you for the link. [19:32:09] "Sites with heavy load would typically have these point to a custom PHP wrapper to avoid firing up mediawiki for every keystroke" – Docs for $wgOpenSearchTemplates [19:33:45] I wonder what that's all about. [20:21:59] ugh, we have like no logging for chunked upload [20:26:10] ok, maybe not none, its just not keyed to the user [20:26:15] still annoyingly little [20:29:13] Although all the "MediaWiki\Status\Status value for 'commonswiki:uploadstatus:6080484:1appzuqq14kc.q1vky8.6080484.webm' at 'status'; serialization is suspect." errors are pretty interesting. Not sure what that means [20:44:02] guess its just a warning that it won't work with json... i don't think its causing problems yet [22:15:38] Is there a way to inject a LoggerInterface when using an ObjectFactory spec (e.g. you're not using a ServiceWiring, but like when specifying a HookHandler or Special page in extension.json)? [22:48:56] bawolff: you can define a service that just does `return LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'mylogger' )` [22:49:24] then inject that service [22:49:37] (or just do `LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'mylogger' )` wherever you need it, like everyone else :D) [22:49:49] yeah, i think im going to go with the second option :) [22:51:22] i guess there are a couple of extensions that do it. more than i thought https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/things/?q=return+LoggerFactory%3A%3AgetInstance&files=Service [23:53:10] Wow, can't even get chunked upload to correctly report errors locally, no wonder it doesn't work in prod half the time :S [23:54:29] or i guess it worked, but didn't show up [23:54:55] Ok, well purging the image page made it show up, but this is definitely janky