[14:19:17] TIL that the British spec author of SVG, Chris Lilley https://mastodon.social/@svgeesus, also co-authored the PNG spec. [14:19:41] There's something funny about that, but I can't quite put my finger on it. [14:22:55] PNG was at one point W3C spec even. That's quite unusual I think, for a binary format. [14:23:02] http://libpng.org/pub/png/pnghist.html [14:24:22] I had forgotten it was firstly designed for use on the web. It's so ubiquitous now, unlike say WebP which got adopted way too early and is one of the most effective ways to prevent people downloading or using your images. [14:47:23] How magnanimous, to work both on a raster and a vector format. :)