[23:07:19] I have tried to add another lexer to the SyntaxHighlight plugin by updating pygmentize, but even though that compiles and the maintenance scripts run I still can't seem to get the highlighting to show when selecting the newly added language. Apart from updating scripting and _mapping in pygments do I need to make other changes? [23:09:05] Tampa: you might need to run maintenance/updateLexerList.php to rebuild some generated files [23:10:15] I did both that and updateCSS directly from the folder or should I run them differently? The lexers.php shows the newly added language in the mapping [23:11:18] oh sorry, i missed that you wrote that. hmm [23:13:47] Tampa: maybe it's just a cached page rendering? try making some edit to a page where you expect to see new highlighting [23:14:02] if it's not that, then i have no idea. i'm afraid you'll have to dive in into the code [23:21:30] Inspecting page code it seems all the span objects are missing from the new version while the original has them. So it's not even applying the html [23:41:51] Adding the new stuff to the original language version breaks that as well, so I guess I messed up the regex somewhere still