[05:00:21] [[Tech]]; Sarri.greek; /* elwiktionary problem on mobile screens, when displaying English nouns */ overall cancellation of right floats for mobile view; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=26805074&oldid=26802128&rcid=31216577 [09:01:39] bd808: the prerendering is defined in $wgUploadThumbnailRenderMap for which we have completely different sizes than for $wgThumbLimits. [09:02:47] but you are essentially correct, if it's in $wgThumbLimits it's likely to exist already since some other wiki has probably used it so there's less rendering delay and cache fragmentation. (Server strain is probably a lesser issue for a small wiki.) [09:04:10] also rendering cost is quadratic with size so in general I think small sizes are not a big deal in general (though it has been a long time since I had anything to do with the media infrastructure) [15:36:48] [TRAIN] Tomorrow's deployment is blocked on LQT: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T365495 - if anyone could offer a null-coalescing operator at the right spot (and ideally get it merged and backported) as Core's parseAsContent() does not accept a null parameter anymore, that would be lovely! TIA [19:22:16] sbassett: you here? [20:37:57] Hi all, I am currently using the pages-articles dumps of several wiktionary editions and the latest (20240520) dumps seem to have a problem in the XML. [20:39:40] For instance:  from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/frwiktionary/20240520/frwiktionary-20240520-pages-articles.xml.bz2 which appears to be completed (even though the rest of the files are not entirely dumped), some content of pages are just empty. [20:40:15] E.g. page Module:lexique in the dump : [20:40:35] bzcat dumps/fr/20240520/frwiktionary-20240520-pages-articles.xml.bz2| grep -B 1 -A 20 -e ">Module:lexique<" [20:40:35]   ``` [20:40:36]     Module:lexique [20:40:36]     828 [20:40:37]     4185217 [20:40:37]     [20:40:38]       34652150 [20:40:38]       33410406 [20:40:39]       2024-05-19T11:50:10Z [20:40:39]       [20:40:40]         Lepticed7 [20:40:40]         204645 [20:40:41]       [20:40:41]       Renommage des catégories [20:40:42]       Scribunto [20:40:42]       text/plain [20:40:43]       [20:40:43]       jdvyl05peuuv5jzhtkv1j3xsg1xxn2v [20:40:46] please don't do that [20:40:49] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T365501 [20:40:56] OK, sorry [20:41:40] Really sorry, did not find the bug report... [20:43:21] Dodecaplex: mostly Reedy didn't want you flooding the irc channel and then getting banned. Mult- line things like that dump fragment are ideally shared using a pastebin like https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/paste/edit/form/14/ or https://paste.toolforge.org/