[14:45:15] Any idea who would be a good person to review https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/WikiLove/+/1033593 ? [14:45:54] (It's a pretty small fix imo) :) [14:49:22] Sohom_Datta: Do we care about not adding the tags for LQT/Flow? [14:50:00] As that is an obvious change of behaviour [14:55:24] Both of those are on their way out, I don't think it should matter that much ? [14:55:47] Also, I'm unsure if the feature/behavior worked as expected before [14:56:54] Is there a wiki where flow is still used for talk pages ? [14:57:26] mediawikiwiki [14:58:56] "on their way out" [14:59:04] How long has LQT been deprecated? ;) [14:59:50] It wouldn't be difficult to keep the behaviour for non core MW though [15:00:12] Set a bool flag in the LQT/Flow path, and do the deferred update change in those cases [15:03:41] Pretty sure that code flow doesn't work, I just tested it on mediawiki https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:SSethi_(WMF)&action=history (see my last edit) [15:04:29] Reedy: ^^ [15:05:08] It would be nice to know why [15:06:45] My hunch would be that both LQT and Flow fail `isset( $result['edit'] )` [15:09:55] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-LiquidThreads/blob/master/includes/Api/ApiThreadAction.php#L385-L389 [15:10:14] LQT doesn't respond with a edit but rather a thread ID [15:12:49] I mean, if this is the case (and it would look like you're right), it should be noted in the commit summary at least [15:13:07] Because the code (as is) does look like it *could* add tags for LQT/Flow [15:15:56] If it doesn't, that feels like a bug, but that's a different issue :P [20:38:57] Is RestrictionStore::getRestrictions() supposed to ignore cascading sources ?