[19:50:58] Hi [19:51:16] Hi [19:51:46] I am working on a task https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T365579 [19:51:49] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-ContentTranslation/compare/master...GergesShamon:mediawiki-extensions-ContentTranslation:master [19:52:28] Is what I did in my repository correct? [19:54:50] We don't develop the code in GitHub [19:55:35] I know that [19:55:53] Just to test [19:56:20] And asking your question in numerous different IRC channels isn't a good idea either [19:58:18] Ok [20:00:04] It also doesn't prevent the use of any of the APIs... [20:00:28] Generally, we would add a new userright, use that as the guarding, rahter than making the userright value be in a variable like that [20:00:46] The userright can then be granted to any usergroup that needs to use whatever functionality [20:02:21] Who will do that? [20:02:44] Which part? [20:03:56] What do you mean "Which part"? [20:04:50] You asked "Who will do that?" [20:04:53] Who will do what? [20:04:56] What is that? [20:08:29] You said "we99,99 would add a new userright...". Who do you mean by "we"? [20:09:11] Whoever is doing the development [20:09:36] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_we / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nosism [20:11:03] Ok