[00:01:26] Krinkle recently wrote 'We actually use Debian Linux 11 ("Bullseye")' in a recent comment on a PHP migration task, so I'll take that answer. [00:03:12] if debian::codename::eq('buster') { [00:03:12] $php_common_version = '2:76+wmf1~buster2' [00:03:12] } elsif debian::codename::eq('bullseye') { [00:03:12] $php_common_version = '2:76+wmf1~bullseye1' [00:03:14] skierpage: apt.wikimedia.org is from which a server will pull Apt/Debian packages. The apt repository contains all Debian versions including future versions and unused past versions. It does not specify what a server will ask for or what we have last installed on it. It is basically a mirror of packages.debian.org as-is. It contains no information about wikimedia. [00:04:02] Ah if you mean which minor version within a debian release we use, I do think that can be found on apt.wikimedia.org, assuming servers have been updated within that channel (I think we usually do). [00:04:21] However if you want to know if a given server or service runs Bullseye or Buster, I'm not sure that's readily available. [00:04:26] mutante: is it? [00:05:04] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/puppet/+/refs/heads/production/modules/profile/manifests/mediawiki/php.pp [00:05:10] the puppet code is public info [00:05:20] and that mediawiki::php class sets up PHP [00:06:22] hmm, I don't think you can look it up for each individual app server.. but ... [00:06:28] you can read the tickets about upgrades [00:09:21] ] $php_versions = lookup('profile::mediawiki::php::php_versions'), [00:09:34] $default_php_version = $php_versions[0] [00:10:04] skierpage: 7.4 [00:10:12] Krinkle: (Hi there! miss you all!) I'm setting up a Fedora toolbox container to attempt changing the Lilypond debian package, so wanted to match the Debian release that the WMF servers running it in shellbox use. [00:10:16] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/puppet/+/44896db043bddfe4ed3ea7c3f3e2897834a2dd01/hieradata/common/profile/mediawiki/php.yaml [00:11:02] * Krinkle looks up User:Skierpage [00:11:13] Hey! I don't think I mentally took note of your volunteer username before. Nice to see you. [00:11:27] mutante: thanks, I wanted the Debian release, which I think is Bullseye. [00:13:24] skierpage: we install our own packages from https://apt.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/ [00:13:41] component/php74 in that repo [00:13:43] mwdebug and mwmaint are on Debian 10 buster as of writing. I dont' know where to check the mw appservers nowdays (helmchart somewhere?) [00:14:42] but I imagine it will move to Debian 11 soon. [00:14:44] mw servers have different distro but regardless they all have the same PHP package [00:15:00] we don't install php from debian plain, but use a component to pin it to php7.4.x right now. [00:15:42] basically a PPA (in Ubuntu terms) [00:16:20] https://apt.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/pool/component/php74/ [00:18:13] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-libs-Shellbox/blob/master/.pipeline/blubber.yaml [00:18:38] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/docker-images/production-images/+/e97537be097c13159a57d02e7139e6689fd6fd43/images/php/7.4/cli/Dockerfile.template#1 [00:18:53] shellbox for lilypond runs php7.4 with buster right now, I think. [17:09:15] Also posted in #wikimedia-sre, I'm reporting an outage on text-lb.eqiad.wikimedia.org. I've emailed the details to noc@ [17:20:42] IPv6 requests started responding again. [17:20:55] IPv4 still down [22:21:25] 69.87 errors/second ... what [22:23:53] (oops wrong channel) [22:29:19] Josve05a, now at 725.22 [22:29:52] That's almooooost "All Systems Operational" [22:31:38] I can't seem to edit anything and there's a spike in errors at https://www.wikimediastatus.net/ but it says all systems operational? [22:31:47] yeah, it's down... [22:32:38] Thanks [22:44:33] https://www.wikimediastatus.net/incidents/3px26xmlwx0g [22:44:49] !status Outage (https://wikimediastatus.net) [22:45:35] there was an outage for Wikipedia domains for almost half an hour in Turkey [22:45:46] upstream connection failure?