[15:08:08] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY waniccode @Wlnsjki#96 [15:09:43] oh no [15:09:50] Waniccode: time for a new password :) [15:10:15] (looks like there was a space before the / and that’s why it was sent as a normal message 😔) [15:11:15] How do I reset this, it's being give me a hard time today. [15:11:57] Waniccode: https://libera.chat/guides/sendpass [15:12:08] Gracias [15:12:11] er wait, that's the reset [15:12:39] /msg nickserv set password [15:13:27] Thank you, the documntation covers all. [15:58:06] sometimes I paste random strings into IRC to get people excited [16:48:46] on a related note, an excellent hack I've heard somewhere around here is to start passwords with a / just in case :D [16:50:50] I like to start my passwords with '); DROP TABLE Users; -- , just to add some spice [17:39:02] kamila_: if you start with `/!` then it both gets caught by an IRC client and also won't go into shell history (because ! triggers history event processing) [17:39:38] cdanis: good trick, though I'm a fish shell person when I can :D [21:13:05] Behold, ECMAScript 15 (aka ES2024 JavaScript) has been ratified. https://2ality.com/2024/06/ecmascript-2024.html - https://tc39.es/ecma262/2024/ [21:13:28] Remember when ES6 was cool?