[08:41:06] H, I have a MediaWiki API and JS question? :-) [08:44:06] I would like to show "unpatrolled" edits on the user contributions page, the way I'm doing it right now is pulling the RC from the API on the specific user, then matching the lastrevid with the data-mw-revid on the edit on the page, and in case it find a match, it will add the "unpatrolled" ! - in the HTML. However, in case a user makes two edits to an article, then the output from the API form the user, only show one edit, not two.. why is [08:44:06] that? Script: https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruger:SimmeD/Gadget-UnpatrolledMarker.js [08:44:54] Is the project possible,is there something I'm missing or?