[00:24:17] [[Tech]];; [none]; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=28240184&oldid=28196569&rcid=34289745 [00:25:54] [[Tech]]; SHB2000; Reverted change by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|talk]]) to last version by ArchiverBot; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=28240191&oldid=28240184&rcid=34289758 [17:38:55] hi everyone - I am one of the stragglers who made a WMedia Labs account long ago then did not revisit very much [17:39:03] I see https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/2024_Migrating_Wikitech_Account_to_SUL [17:39:27] so this is the last day before my old account gets renamed and reassigned, I guess? I have my old details here [17:39:41] I am physically in Berkeley, California [17:40:04] It's not all lost ;) [17:40:20] ok thx - I am interested in being current.. [17:40:51] There's a phab task you can post on [17:40:59] link? [17:42:11] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376267 as linked from the header ;) [17:42:27] doh! [17:48:53] ok - Phabricator says this about me "darkblueb" registered in 2018, IRC_Nick "darkblue_b" LDAP https://ldap.toolforge.org/cn/Darkblueb [17:49:32] do I need to add to that ticket? not sure of my choices/duties now [17:50:26] ... I am also darkblueb for #osgeo LDAP, where I usually can be found [18:07:30] Which part of https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/News/2024_Migrating_Wikitech_Account_to_SUL#What_you_need_to_do is unclear? [18:18:57] @andre ok reading now [18:21:01] https://idm.wikimedia.org/ldapbackend/properties/ seems to know me, but my recovery email is outdated.. updating now [18:23:57] "Email address successfully updated. Please allow for a few minutes for the change to propagate." [18:24:53] Bitu Identity Manager seems to be ok, Phabricator login is ok [18:25:37] I am probably different than most here because I dont log in to Wikis often.. I made the dev account for Labs interest.. (I am a disk editor for a geospatial linux, 10+ years) [18:26:16] maybe I did enough for now.. I will keep reading more [18:45:18] meta.wikimedia.org "Accounts successfully linked. Please allow for a few minutes for the change to propagate."