[01:43:12] (VarnishPrometheusExporterDown) firing: Varnish Exporter on instance cp5006:9331 is unreachable - https://alerts.wikimedia.org [05:43:12] (VarnishPrometheusExporterDown) firing: Varnish Exporter on instance cp5006:9331 is unreachable - https://alerts.wikimedia.org [08:26:51] ema, bblack, vgutierrez - o/ I just depooled+rebooted cp5006, it stopped publishing prometheus metrics and I couldn't get to a shell neither via ssh nor via mgmt remote [08:28:23] (VarnishPrometheusExporterDown) resolved: Varnish Exporter on instance cp5006:9331 is unreachable - https://alerts.wikimedia.org