[01:21:41] good day. : ) [01:29:41] Happy Wikimania [01:32:00] :) [01:32:37] I'm not participating there, but same to you and everyone [14:07:49] The message Wikilambda-metadata-aka-column is "Also knows as". [14:08:05] What does it describe? What kind of this is also known as (something)? [14:08:49] You can see it on notwikilambda. It's our copy of the term box from Wikidata, and it is the column with the aliases [14:10:16] can all types of ZObjects have aliases? [14:10:23] (or, the Z2 / persistent objects, I guess?) [14:10:57] Z2s, which can envelope most types [14:11:16] ok [14:12:10] I wanted to say "if it has a label, it can have aliases" but then I remembered that's wrong, Z3/keys may have labels, but not aliases [14:12:19] Where on notwikilambda? (re @vrandecic: You can see it on notwikilambda. It's our copy of the term box from Wikidata, and it is the column with the aliases) [14:12:51] Can it be said about an object? Or also a function and other things? [14:14:01] Here for example: https://notwikilambda.toolforge.org/wiki/ZObject:Z40# [14:14:57] Basically any page can have aliases on the top level, in particular Functions too [14:34:27] I'm glad you agreed to that proposal way back when. 😊 Thanks for that; it will help in the future for sure. (re @vrandecic: Basically any page can have aliases on the top level, in particular Functions too) [14:53:26] October, IIRC. Yes, we listen 👂! And sometimes, we manage not to forget what was proposed when the time comes. [15:31:11] 👌 [15:39:07] Does anyone know if GF or some resource... has a fairly complete list of English PREDICATEs that hold the likely variations of ? [15:39:08] Here's what the first one in that list would be: [15:39:10] 1. is a [15:39:11] 2. ... [16:15:59] Does anyone know if GF or some resource... has a fairly complete list of English PREDICATEs that hold the likely variations of ? [16:15:59] Here's what the first ones in that hypothetical list would be: [16:16:01] 1. is a [16:16:02] 2. is a class of [16:16:04] 3. is a member of [16:16:05] 4. can be considered a [16:16:07] 5. [16:16:08] I just need a lot more. [16:16:10] And then I need them in all languages of the world. 😊 [16:55:19] Sigh... this last paragraph within NLTK wiki page... the world never moves fast enough for me... [16:55:20] https://github.com/nltk/nltk/wiki/Semantic-Parsing [16:55:22] And CCG... yeah, very niche like that wiki page says... [16:55:23] I guess Denny, if we build it...they will come? [16:55:25] We have a long road ahead, but perhaps between Wikifunctions and Wikidata Lexemes ... maybe NLTK itself can improve [16:55:26] >>> entities = nltk.chunk.ne_chunk(tagged) [16:55:28] >>> entities [16:55:29] Tree('S', [('OpenCorporates', 'NNS'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('a', 'DT'), ('website', 'JJ'), ('using', 'VBG'), ('public', 'JJ'), ('data', 'NNS'), ('to', 'TO'), ('provide', 'VB'), ('search', 'NN'), ('services', 'NNS'), ('via', 'IN'), Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('API', 'NNP')]), ("'s", 'POS')]) [16:55:31] API's != ORGANIZATION