[08:05:42] "Here's how a codepoint looks..." <- vrandecic: seems like the correct Zjson from a code point is { "Z1K1": "Z86", "Z2K2":{"Z86K1": "a"} } [08:10:20] s/from/for/ [13:47:57] No, that's wrong. If you are getting that, it would be a bug. See here for a code point: https://notwikilambda.toolforge.org/wiki/Z10102 [18:10:37] Yeah, saw that vrandecic ,I base my finding on that [18:13:01] There is not top level Z86K1 , it is nested in a Z2K2 [18:24:54] Z2 is the wrapper type for all ZObjects stored persistently in wiki pages [18:25:16] That's right. Every object stored in the wiki is wrapped in a Z2 [18:25:25] Ah, Lucas beat me to it [18:26:26] So it would be { Z1K1: Z2, ..., Z2K2: { actual object }, ... } [18:28:27] Oh now I get it.. [18:28:33] yeah, you can see the same thing in expert mode on e.g. Z1 https://notwikilambda.toolforge.org/wiki/Z1 [18:31:29] So in the deserialize lambda I just access Z86K1 , right? [18:33:30] No need to traverse the whole json object as I understand it