[17:40:10] in Z10019 only the JS implementation is shown,despite https://notwikilambda.toolforge.org/wiki/Z10115 existing.. [17:40:26] s/https://notwikilambda.toolforge.org/wiki/// [17:55:54] it looks like the other implementation hasn’t been added to the function yet [17:56:04] each function has a list of its implementations, new implementations need to be added there [18:04:46] can I add it? [18:05:31] yes, go into edit mode and it should be possible [18:05:48] oh ,yeah just figured it out :) [18:05:57] 🤦 [18:06:32] \o/ [18:44:46] https://notwikilambda.toolforge.org/wiki/Z10068 any idea why this is failing [18:44:49] ? [18:45:46] as I understand it , it should pass right? [18:48:44] I think it should. There's something else going on, and we have a task to her the error message reported correctly. It says "Failure reason: Expected I. Received n.", that mangled the actual error message reporting (it's the start of a string saying "In"). We're working on this [18:49:20] Probably an orchestrator timeout. [19:05:32] My guess is that the full error is “internal server error” [19:10:49] That sounds right [19:27:48] yeah, there’s some “TypeError: Cannot read property 'Z9K1' of undefined” stuff in kubectl logs --tail=5 deploy/function-orchestrator [19:42:28] I’ve put the whole log object at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P17218, AFAICT there’s nothing in there that shouldn’t be public (e.g. some token) [19:42:36] maybe that helps [19:48:52] hmm..seems like the relavant code is ```const payload = {... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/fc26a632c40040f6eea6976884474576cada531c) [19:49:04] in performTest [19:49:45] * in performTest.js [19:52:10] Hmm, ok. I can check this out on Tuesday when I’m back in. Would you mind adding a bug report to phabricator? [19:54:11] ok..will do [19:56:56] Thank you! [20:03:57] is this ok? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T290399 [20:06:41] Perfect, thank you!