[09:58:49] You can consider me for testing. I know Python and JavaScript. I am not very proficient. But, I can work on functions. (re @wmtelegram_bot: Newsletter 63: Phase update, View function design, Smoke testing - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedi...) [09:59:24] As well, please consider demonstrating Wikifunctions at Wikimedia Hackathon 2022. [15:25:26] Please Keep the good works, I was excited when I opened my wallet and saw the profit of $10000 from the investment of $1000 [15:25:26] 👇👇👇 [15:25:28] https://t.me/joinchat/g8qgefmwxZIwMjlk [15:56:53] Yay, thanks Houcemeddine Aishwarya [16:11:06] 😄❤️ (re @mahir256: The example sentences in that image would have had @Jan_ainali as a "schwedischer Lektor" and Nikki as a "britische Vorbild", bu...)