[14:50:33] is it the same test I did 10 days ago? If not, count me in Aishwarya ;) [17:52:49] replying to myself, it's not (I just read and translate the last Abstract Wikipedia/Updates ;) ) (re @Nicolas: is it the same test I did 10 days ago? If not, count me in Aishwarya ;)) [19:22:38] On e2e tests – it does look like there are no existing projects that spin up dedicated test environments (in particular on each patchset). Tests are run against beta/prod deployments daily, so no testing of unmerged changes. At least from what I was able to find. @jdforrester @vrandecic do you confirm that? [19:29:54] Ah, ok, they also are/were run as the part of gate jobs, there's some discussion whether to keep only daily ones in T225730