[06:04:57] 100! [18:11:36] I just finished this episode earlier today and I can say I think the definitions were really clear, as well as the concrete visions of how the project may work once it's live. Overall a great episode. @relgu is really good at explaining complex topics in an understandable way. (re @relgu: I don't think so, but I'll let you judge.) [18:12:34] By the way, here are the notes I took about the episode, in case anyone feels it's useful or would like to correct me 😁 https://workflowy.com/s/between-the-brackets/nIP0OWsPGYPL0aH5 [18:17:15] Thanks, @waldyrious ! [20:12:21] Thank you for the great summary! [22:02:16] Surprise! The proton is lighter than we thought | Science | AAAS [22:02:16] https://www.science.org/content/article/surprise-proton-lighter-we-thought