[16:23:26] a potentially interesting job talk this afternoon at my university re: discourse relations in text generation: https://calendars.illinois.edu/detail/879/33449326 (the event is also on Zoom; DM me for the link) [16:56:34] Thank you! Would you know if that's being recorded? [16:57:21] not sure about that, but I can ask [17:58:54] Thank you! [18:57:06] It appears that since this is a job talk, only the search committee involved will currently have access to it. Do you still want to see such a recording? (re @vrandecic: Thank you!) [18:57:59] Ah, no, I don't think that would be proper. Thank you for asking! [23:08:39] Illini represent ^.^ [23:14:13] How many of us (current and former) are there here? O.o (re @wmtelegram_bot: Illini represent ^.^) [23:20:11] /me wonders if transfers out of the university count (sorry) (re @wmtelegram_bot: Illini represent ^.^) [23:29:03] you and me for sure, let's see who else can be roped in (re @WMYupik: How many of us (current and former) are there here? O.o)