[15:49:03] Hi everybody, I am a linguist from Argentina and I am very excited about the potential of the Abstract Wikipedia project. I have just read Newsletter #104 and apparently I missed the last NLG meeting. Do you know if it was recorded? Thanks! [16:04:19] newsletter #105 provides a recording (re @nidiahz: Hi everybody, I am a linguist from Argentina and I am very excited about the potential of the Abstract Wikipedia project. I have...) [16:15:34] Great, thank you! [20:18:30] Hallo [20:19:22] What is "ZUnit"? [20:19:25] https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&showMessage=action-wikilambda-create-unit&group=ext-wikilambda-user&language=he&filter=&optional=1&action=translate [20:19:31] "Unit" can have a lot of meanings. [20:20:21] (Or rather, a lot of translations into my language, and I suspect that the same may be true for other languages.) [22:02:09] judging by some related code, it seems to refer to Z21 (https://wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Z21) (pre-generic function model documentation (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Pre-generic_function_model#Z21/Unit_(Z4/Type))), though I’m still not sure what kind of unit that is [22:03:12] my guess is unit type (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_type), but probably best to wait for an authoritative answer [22:03:56] (my first association for “ZUnit” was JUnit and friends (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XUnit))