[00:00:59] Or pictures of the prototype of Github, since it's supposed to be more advanced? [00:08:51] When rendered on Wikipedia, I would hope it more or less looks like any other article (re @JN_Squire: Good evening! Is there a mock-up of what a Abstract Wikipedia article is supposed to look like?) [00:27:42] @JN_Squire Bonsoir! The team has been focused on Wikifunctions, until that has officially launched. Most of the existing design-work, mockups, user-research, and working code, is focused on that. [00:27:51] There are not any mock-ups of how Abstract Wikipedia articles might look, nor the possible interface-designs for how they might be curated. [00:27:59] For the former, I imagine it will be some sort of a cross between a normal Wikipedia article (as Jan said), and an ArticlePlaceholder page (e.g. https://ht.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:AboutTopic/Q14384 ). i.e. with a header-note about how it is different, and invitations to either add to the Abstract version and/or create a local article. [00:28:04] For the latter, it depends a lot on other components such as Wikifunctions, however there are many ongoing discussions about the technical aspects, and there are details about that in various previous editions of the Newsletter (e.g. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipedia/Updates/2022-09-23 ) or more technical details in https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Wikipe [00:28:04] dia/Wikidata_Abstract_Representation . [00:31:33] Re: Github - I think you might be referring to the older prototype? The current Beta Cluster instance is the most uptodate (essentially live) version of the code, for Wikifunctions. http://wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org/ [00:35:30] I hope that helps, and gives you some useful links to dive into! Let us know what other questions you have (although most staff folks will be out for the weekend). [04:44:24] I'm in the middle of the talk by @vrandecic at the Wikimedia Tech Summit in Hyderabad, and it's not so related to Abstract Wikipedia (at least till now), but it's FANTASTIC. [04:44:28] I really hope that it's recorded. [04:45:18] Oh, now it starts being related to Abstract Wikipedia :) [05:13:54] But the part about Abstract Wikipedia was very short and not the core of the talk :) [05:14:09] Thank you for the kind words!