[07:52:05] Where you want or ought to store the constructors also depends on what you envision or assume them to be. If they’re for step 1/content determination in the reference NLG pipeline (which I assume it to be), then it makes sense to go for wikidata, since it will facilitate the content selection process. [07:52:05] If they’re aimed to be for steps 3-6, i.e., more on the language generation up to realisation side, which requires computation, then on/closer to wikifunctions may be more effective. The example in the update letter is a chimera of all sorts of things that suggests trying to do the declarative parts of all 6 steps at once in one place, which I’d advise against. (There are m [07:52:07] any good reasons for why all (structured content -to-text) NLG systems use a pipeline approach rather than anything else.)