[08:22:10] Reiter and Dale’s reference architecture for NLG systems. (re @vrandecic: When you speak about the steps, what are you referring to? Sorry, you seem to have some specific context in mind, and I lost tha...) [08:25:55] No. Ariel’s diagram concerns the realizer only. There are multiple architectures for that step of the reference pipeline architecture as well (and indeed can have it’s own sub-pipeline in it, as shown in that diagram, though need not). (re @mahir256: perhaps they are references to the steps shown in https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/A_proposal_of_an_NLG_archi...) [19:14:20] This is the diagram Maria is referring to [19:14:29] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/bc4fdf94/file_46236.jpg [19:14:41] From this slide deck [19:14:43] http://www.meteck.org/files/NLGNCBGoogleTechTalk22Keet.pdf#page=42 [19:16:10] For context [20:18:47] hov