[00:07:34] these templates now (attempt to) honor {{int:lang}}, which required a manual mapping from language codes to language ZObjects; they still do not necessarily follow MediaWiki's fallback chains, however (re @mahir256: We now have {{Z}} and {{Z+}} (with the caveats that the labels returned are first in English, then in whatever language the firs...) [02:48:17] indeed there is, thanks :) (re @vrandecic: There should be now more space between the language bubble and the text (I didn't file a task, because there already was T343172...) [02:57:52] my issue with it is just the capitalisation, since the usual convention is that language codes are lowercase and country codes are uppercase, so uppercase language codes look weird to me (re @internetam1n: Nikki the language ISO code (was) is a temporary solution to signal that some content is displayed in a fallback language, and g...) [07:33:52] I think there are lots of empty slots in the hackathon still; perhaps one of them could be used for a workshop / collaborative editing session? https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2023:Hackathon/Schedule (re @vrandecic: I am not aware of any plans, but if someone wants to organize one I'll be very happy to join) [08:34:39] gotcha! thanks for the additional details. do you have any link or resource on the convention? i'm asking for mentioning it in the existing task so that we take it into account when we'll think of a better solution. (re @Nikki: my issue with it is just the capitalisation, since the usual convention is that language codes are lowercase and country codes a...) [14:45:50] the codes mediawiki uses are bcp47 ones like used for html, rdf, etc (with a few invented ones that we haven't managed to replace yet). bcp47 is case-insensitive but they recommend lowercase for languages and uppercase for countries - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5646.html#section-2.1.1 (microsoft also says the same thing - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/globalization/loc [14:45:50] ale/standard-locale-names) (re @internetam1n: gotcha! thanks for the additional details. do you have any link or resource on the convention? i'm asking for mentioning it in t...) [14:47:08] (and while the language codes might not be case-sensitive in bcp47 specifically, that doesn't mean they stay case-insensitive when used by other things, e.g. wikidata uses the language codes as keys in its json, and those *are* case-sensitive) [18:25:01] 6271 [18:25:16] Hello everyone [18:28:39] Quick question: does WikiFunctions allow template storage/copy from Wikipedia? (some are in Lua) Because it would be better for maintenance to have one place for the whole movement and if templates are needed by wikis that don't have them yet [18:30:16] No, it does not. Eventually some of the things modules and templates do might come from Wikifunctions functions, but we're not planning to be a drop in replacement. [21:00:11] Why can I add a label without specifying the language? [21:00:11] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Z1?uselang=de&diff=prev&oldid=31723 [21:01:01] You shouldn't be able to. That's a bug. [21:01:37] I'd file it but I'm off the computer right now. If no one does before me, I'll file it later. [21:06:01] thanks everyone :) (re @Sannita: happy birthday! 100 of these functions!)