[01:52:40] 3 4 5 7 [13:45:55] Function calling is now fixed! Please let us know if it works for you [14:04:51] Looks to be working for me [14:07:00] Works for me too [14:52:39] what does "[Z525/Invalid key] No argument called Z10846K1 in scope" mean? seeing that when trying to run tests on https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/en/Z10856 [16:25:39] That's an implementation of the function Z10627 which has one argument Z10627K1 but instead we're calling the argument Z10846K1 from the function Z10846 which is out of scope for the given implementation [16:27:32] With T336985 this error should become a thing of the past, that's really not a great UX right now [16:35:31] good catch, thanks. and the (admittedly very silly) implementation works now [16:37:28] I like these kinds of implementations. Particularly compositions can sometimes be more like specifications. The system should take care not to actually use this implementation, but it may help a human visiting Wikifunctions and understanding this particular function. [18:17:32] noob question: can functions produce errors? e.g. something like an `InvalidArgumentException` in other languages [19:19:56] Yes! I'm not 100% sure it all works right now, and it certainly needs documentation, but it should be possible. I'm going to check that today or tomorrow. [21:40:26] okay, thanks! I was wondering what Z10866 should do if _full string_ doesn’t start with _search substring_ [21:40:58] (but SPARQL just returns the empty string in that case, so I think that would also be an okay solution without needing an error) [21:41:30] anyway – anyone want to take a look at that function and figure out what I did wrong with the test? the validator error summary is “[Z539/wrong content type]” and I can’t figure out why [21:41:56] . (re @mahir256: if you're working on manipulating/returning Qids as strings, be mindful of phabricator.wikimedia.org/T343593#9074979 (which is a...) [21:42:21] lisa_simpson_stare.jpg [21:42:33] ok then I guess I’ll use a less clever test case [21:42:34] thanks :D [21:46:34] yay now it’s working