[01:19:00] Too many quirky bugs in the system [01:19:53] what's up? (re @cvictororovich: Is Mahir here?) [01:20:33] I thought there were no people online and saw you were here several minutes ago [01:20:48] See here (re @cvictororovich: Pls check Z10989, seems the result string of test cases are automatically escaped) [15:43:58] @emptyfear are you really Armenian? [15:44:56] Hi Christopher, yes, I am (re @cvictororovich: @emptyfear are you really Armenian?) [15:45:02] Wow [15:45:12] I like some Armenian songs [15:45:18] “Araks” [15:45:44] “Hey yergir Araks!” [15:46:48] Du im siroy vkan yes Im srtakits’, zulal get [15:48:03] I guess Google can't detect what language that is.. Telegram translate doesn't work (re @cvictororovich: Du im siroy vkan yes Im srtakits’, zulal get) [15:49:04] Դու իմ սիրոյ վկան ես [15:49:04] Իմ սրտակից, զուլալ գետ (re @haaaah: I guess Google can't detect what language that is.. Telegram translate doesn't work) [15:49:24] This is a piece of lyric [15:49:42] Cannot understand without translation