[07:58:33] Is there any gadget on WikiFunctions that merges functions like the gadget that merges wikidata items? [07:59:05] If not, is it safe to try to use that script here as well? [08:15:33] Unfortunately we do not have such a gadget on Wikifunctions [08:16:04] I doubt that the Wikidata gadget would work here [08:57:07] +1 [08:57:08] Tbh, we have almost no gadget on Wikifunctions right now (re @Ameisenigel: Unfortunately we do not have such a gadget on Wikifunctions) [08:58:45] Same, Wikidata is very different from Wikifunctions. [08:58:45] That said a merge gadget could be useful, I'd love to have one. (re @Ameisenigel: I doubt that the Wikidata gadget would work here) [10:33:57] There is a discussion at the project chat about creating a gadget to merge functions [10:34:30] As for the development of the feature, we will discuss it at the end of January, and see if we can do it in the first half of the month [12:59:52] it wouldn't, it checks the ids are for items/lexemes and then uses wbmergeitems/wblmergelexemes (re @Ameisenigel: I doubt that the Wikidata gadget would work here) [13:15:34] “…first half of the year”, I think you mean. (re @Sannita: As for the development of the feature, we will discuss it at the end of January, and see if we can do it in the first half of th...) [13:24:52] Where is that tool for making lexème from a paragraph? [13:29:42] Yep, thanks, I corrected it (re @Al: “…first half of the year”, I think you mean.) [13:40:04] 3108 [14:10:28] are you thinking of https://ordia.toolforge.org/text-to-lexemes? (re @cvictorovich: Where is that tool for making lexème from a paragraph?) [14:17:15] That’s it! (re @Nikki: are you thinking of https://ordia.toolforge.org/text-to-lexemes?) [14:17:40] Does it have some sort of API? [14:18:40] For example… the engine processes some articles and queries Wikidata to see what lexème is missing [14:19:12] Current missing lexème table seems not so complete [15:03:43] 2184 [18:50:10] Ordia is just an interface for SPARQL query, you can use the API of the SPARQL endpoint (re @cvictorovich: Does it have some sort of API?)