[18:04:24] Is there a plan to implement a "remove html tags" function? [18:04:25] This would help a lot cleaning things (like this: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q28937634#P1476) on WD probably [18:30:02] Go ahead! [19:07:26] Completely new to this (https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/en/Z12815): [19:07:26] What is the preferred way of doing things? [19:07:28] A "simple" implementation that eventually does not handle edge cases but does not require external libraries, or a more evolved implementation including code from external libraries? (re @vrandecic: Go ahead!) [19:08:34] No external libraries. First start defining the test cases and decide on the edge cases though the test cases. [19:08:44] The implementations have to follow.