[07:23:24] It will be interesting to include several other functions like matrix multiplication and determinant. [07:23:54] The question is whether a matrix can be an input variable in Wikifunctions. [07:29:01] Interesting work [07:29:04] https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.07103 [07:29:46] Summary [07:29:49] https://www.marktechpost.com/2024/01/20/assessing-natural-language-generation-nlg-in-the-age-of-large-language-models-a-comprehensive-survey-and-taxonomy/ [23:01:18] Thanks. I just followed these instructions and successfully made Z12827. I don't find that process intuitive though. I would hope in the future to be able to just click a new item, then in the "select a type" dropdown, just search "list" like I would "string" (or even better, if the dropdown arrow showed all the options I could select from). (re @vrandecic: When you create an it [23:01:19] em in a list that is not typed, and have to choose the type, you can tap on the three dots next to the type...)