[00:12:47] /me [17:13:15] Newsletter #142: Quarterly planning, Thank you, Quiddity! Recent Changes in the software, Function of the Week: is permutation [17:13:16] [17:13:17] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-02-07 [17:28:13] *wonders if that means quiddity won't be at the hackathon this year* [21:05:42] We don't know for sure, the list of people who work for WMF and will attend the hackathon hasn't been published yet (re @Nikki: *wonders if that means quiddity won't be at the hackathon this year*) [21:06:13] And Nick is momentarily in vacation, so I won't disturb him to ask him anything [21:21:22] @Nikki: Quiddity will be at the hackathon. I talked to him before he started his sabbatical. :) [21:47:22] ohh good :D he was disappointed that he missed me last year so finding him this year has been on my to-do [21:56:09] about the public API for Wikifunctions: I think being able to call multiple functions in one request would be quite useful for Wikidata Lexeme Forms [21:56:17] with whatever limits on concurrency the server considers reasonable [21:56:50] right now I don’t want to make all the requests in parallel and risk exceeding some rate limit, but doing them serially can take a while for longer templates