[00:26:10] @amire80 Polish translation done. where can I see the English labels to check if the translation is correct? [00:48:41] I'm not sure I understand the question... Which labels? You are translating in translatewiki right from the English messages. Messages are sometimes called "translatable strings", but usually not "labels". (re @sgrabarczuk: @amire80 Polish translation done. where can I see the English labels to check if the translation is correct?) [00:51:21] "Labels" are given to items and properties within Wikidata, and to functions within Wikifunctions, and they can be written in any language. (I am not entirely happy about their translation system, but that's a separate topic.) [00:52:57] right, right [00:54:01] I'd like to see these translatable strings in action in the interface, in action on wiki pages where they appear, to make sure I'm translating correctly [01:56:42] If there are no surprises, you'll probably be able to see them Wednesday late at night, after the deployment tarin. (re @sgrabarczuk: I'd like to see these translatable strings in the interface, in action on wiki pages where they appear, to make sure I'm transla...) [13:21:59] 1371 [15:23:58] Hello [15:24:30] Yusuf please write the number that you find to solve the captcha, or you will be booted [15:25:06] 6380 [15:25:21] Thank you [15:25:32] you're welcome, and welcome to the group :) [15:28:15] Thanks [15:46:26] 3975 [15:55:55] @Akanni002 please write the number you see to solve the captcha or you will be booted from the group, thanks [15:59:13] @Akanni002 please write 4469 to solve the captcha, thanks [16:11:33] The telegram side of this bridged chat looks funny on irc lately. :) Lots of folks talking to a bot that the bridge cannot see. For whatever reasons Telegram does not let bots see messages from other bots, so @bridgebot can't send bot messages across the bridge to the irc side. [16:12:10] We're now live on Zoom with Hogü-456 presenting how to translate functions on Wikifunctions! Join us here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87662973464?pwd=N0RlWnRtaitrZ3haVWZBODdjSkpGZz09 [16:13:00] @bd808 I'm sorry for the disruption, we've had quite an influx of new interested users in the last 24 hours [16:13:59] It's not a problem @Sannita. More just something I noticed and commented on because some folks will not have the context for what's happening with those messages. [16:14:30] Thanks :) [21:27:41] Of course, however, I was asking about the English versions 😁 (re @amire80: If there are no surprises, you'll probably be able to see them Wednesday late at night, after the deployment train.) [21:51:30] I opened this link that @vrandecic shared: https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Special:ViewObject/pl/Z10537 [21:51:53] And I noticed that some things appear in English and not in Polish. [21:52:53] So if I understand you correctly, you'll find at least some of those at https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Special:ViewObject/pl/Z10537 (re @sgrabarczuk: Of course, however, I was asking about the English versions 😁)