[00:20:32] Is the sitenotice at the top of most pages appearing in German for anyone else? "Wikifunctions ist ein neues Projekt der Wikimedia Foundation..." [00:25:03] nevermind, it has changed back... (re @Toby: Is the sitenotice at the top of most pages appearing in German for anyone else? "Wikifunctions ist ein neues Projekt der Wikimed...) [02:24:01] It should appear only in your language. Probably a caching issue. [03:17:14] Yes, caching seems likely. I had previously been switching locale quite often (including --de) to test the i18n translations for the next version of Entity Explosion. [17:27:43] Newsletter #152: Welcome, Sharvani! https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-04-19