[06:38:59] Yes, re-entrancy is the correct theoretical solution, but I imagine function libraries could serve as a form of persistent cache for improved performance. (re @vrandecic: It is an idea. Re-entrancy could solve most of the need for this I think, and then, well, making it more performant.) [12:47:24] 682 [12:47:41] write 7682 [12:47:56] 7862 [12:48:10] nope, 7682 [12:48:25] 7682 [12:48:40] welcome Matt :) [12:49:00] Thank you [18:44:39] <Марк> 3382 [19:10:28] <Марк> Hello. Why do we need Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia if there is Wikidata? I didn't really understand Meta. [19:14:24] This short video might explain better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHy63VOp0RQ (re @Марк: Hello. Why do we need Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia if there is Wikidata? I didn't really understand Meta.) [19:31:14] <Марк> Thank you. Can you do it in words? (re @Jan_ainali: This short video might explain better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHy63VOp0RQ) [19:31:44] I am pretty sure there are words in the video. (re @Марк: Thank you. Can you do it in words?) [19:33:30] It has subtitles and transcription (if you click the "More" in the descriptions), so you can read it there too if you want it in writing. But I won't copy paste it into this chat. (re @Jan_ainali: I am pretty sure there are words in the video.) [19:43:35] Chapter 10.5 in this paper discusses this in more depth: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.04733 (re @Марк: Hello. Why do we need Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia if there is Wikidata? I didn't really understand Meta.) [19:44:13] In short, Wikidata can only express a limited amount of knowledge. Abstract Wikipedia aims to extend that.