[02:28:54] I started here: https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Cardinal_numbers - I don't like the title, if someone has a better one, please feel free to adjust [02:29:08] Let's add languages there if you add some [05:56:29] Hello [05:57:06] Are there some Pages that should be translated? [07:30:58] Into which language? (re @jancilu: Are there some Pages that should be translated?) [08:38:54] I can create functions for Moroccan Arabic, Standard Arabic and French. I don't have access privileges though. (re @vrandecic: I started here: https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Cardinal_numbers - I don't like the title, if someone has a bet...) [09:52:32] Sicilian (re @cvictorovich: Into which language?) [09:56:11] I started the French one here: Z16093 (but sadly, I don't have time to create the implementation), feel free to create it (no "access privileges" required) (re @Ideophagous: I can create functions for Moroccan Arabic, Standard Arabic and French. I don't have access privileges though.) [10:00:58] It looks like I can create functions already. I tested with this one Z16154. Can somebody check it and approve it? (re @Nicolas: I started the French one here: Z16093 (but sadly, I don't have time to create the implementation), feel free to create it (no "a...) [10:02:20] It's an implementation of Z16153 [10:11:25] yes, everyone can create functions [10:11:25] it seems there is some problem, I'll go in private message (re @Ideophagous: It looks like I can create functions already. I tested with this one Z16154. Can somebody check it and approve it?) [10:25:03] Melos might be a good candidate (re @jancilu: Sicilian) [10:27:35] Ancilu himself does speak sicilian, no need to ask Melos :P (re @cvictorovich: Melos might be a good candidate) [10:28:27] yes, a lot ! [10:28:28] the main page is always a good start (re @jancilu: Are there some Pages that should be translated?) [10:31:15] Everything (re @jancilu: Are there some Pages that should be translated?) [10:31:29] Few people like you speak Sicilian [10:31:46] Hence no progress has been made [11:07:58] is it possble to call another Wikifunction in a Wikifunction? If so, what's the syntax? I tried calling Z13993 or Z13994 in Z16154, but it didn't work [11:11:10] You can do a composition, a function that uses other functions (re @Ideophagous: is it possble to call another Wikifunction in a Wikifunction? If so, what's the syntax? I tried calling Z13993 or Z13994 in Z161...) [11:11:55] hmm, but is it not possible to add the call in the code of an already existing one? [11:21:51] I can't edit implemtations that are connected. Do I need the functioneer priviilege for this? [11:26:20] It looks like I do [[Wikifunctions:Functioneers]] [11:29:54] I posted a request on [[Wikifunctions:Requests for user groups]] [11:33:00] In the meantime, assuming I can't get Functioneer privileges immediately, can somebody disconnect Z16154 so I can edit it ? : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/7d56cb76/file_60895.jpg [13:52:09] Yes, we have quite a few recursive compositions. Here's an example: https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/en/Z13894 (re @Nicolas: mhh, even for composition, can they call themselves? ping @vrandecic ?) [13:53:19] Had anyone done that (re @Ideophagous: In the meantime, assuming I can't get Functioneer privileges immediately, can somebody disconnect Z16154 so I can edit it ?) [13:53:25] I can do it [13:55:19] @Ideophagous Done [13:55:48] You can edit now, after finishing please invoke me and I’ll reconnect it [15:29:04] I'm done. I also added some test cases (re @cvictorovich: You can edit now, after finishing please invoke me and I’ll reconnect it) [15:29:21] Not yet. The developers are working on it 👍 (re @Ideophagous: hmm, but is it not possible to add the call in the code of an already existing one?) [15:30:56] is it possible to return an array/list as output? [15:33:19] You can return a list, if that’s what the function specifies as its return type. (re @Ideophagous: is it possible to return an array/list as output?) [15:34:10] @Ideophagous All connected [15:34:37] Passed all tests too. Thanks! (re @cvictorovich: @Ideophagous All connected) [15:35:42] I've restricted the sequence size to 500, but that's probably too high. How long would it take for the function to time out? [16:44:36] I have not figured out how to return a list. If I did, I would create functions for set operations. (re @Al: You can return a list, if that’s what the function specifies as its return type.) [16:51:07] Please see Z12668, for example. (re @Tohaomg: I have not figured out how to return a list. If I did, I would create functions for set operations.) [16:53:09] For some reason, links in https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Cardinal_numbers link to French translation, but my account, browser or OS do not have French anywhere. Actually, when viewing while not being logged in, it also links to French. [16:54:40] I created an implementation in python, Z16165 [16:54:40] The tests work on my computer, but the function needs to be connected to run the tests on Wikifunctions. (re @Nicolas: I started the French one here: Z16093 (but sadly, I don't have time to create the implementation), feel free to create it (no "a...) [16:56:23] ugh, indentation issue, again [17:46:08] I’ve connected everything but, yeah, it is being very slow 🤷‍♂️ (re @Ideophagous: For whatever reason it times out for the test case 22. I've added other test cases but they're not connected.) [17:48:23] Now it times out for test case 1, but not 22 or 279. Quite strange. Test cases on the second page are still disconnected though. (re @Al: I’ve connected everything but, yeah, it is being very slow 🤷‍♂️) [17:54:24] Yes… sorry, I forgot to scroll down. I think you’re missing 70 to 79 and 90 to 99. (re @Ideophagous: Now it times out for test case 1, but not 22 or 279. Quite strange. Test cases on the second page are still disconnected though.) [17:56:29] Nopes, all of those cases are included in the function. Or do you mean test cases? [17:57:17] I mean they don’t work. (re @Ideophagous: Nopes, all of those cases are included in the function. Or do you mean test cases?) [18:01:30] can you disconnect it? I don't have permission to edit [18:02:33] Actually, seems like the seventies work, but not the nineties, and not 70 itself [18:33:09] I made some fixes and added two test cases for 70 and 91. Let me know if it works better now. [18:34:13] would it be OK to add a test case with large input like 84500000000000612353375485554541 or would that break something? [18:34:43] I've tested with such input locally and it runs fine [18:39:48] It shouldn’t break anything but it might time out (but so might a small number). It all looks good at the moment 👍 [18:41:04] it works as input: [18:41:04] "quatre-vingt-quatre nonillion cinq cent octillion six cent douze quadrillion trois cent cinquante-trois trillion trois cent soixante-quinze milliard quatre cent quatre-vingt-cinq million cinq cent cinquante-quatre mille cinq cent quarante-et-un" [19:08:58] Looks really cool, maybe the very subtle nuance to make it perfect: [19:08:59] https://www.gymglish.com/fr/frantastique-orthographe/regles-orthographe/mille-cent-et-vingt ? [22:35:47] The implementation for Moroccan Arabic is complete: Z16173 [22:43:45] So if "cent" is followed by "mille", it doesn't take an "s" for plural, e.g. "trois cent mille", but what about when there's another number between "cent" and "mille", such as in 340.000 ? Is it "trois cent quarante mille" or "trois cents quarante mille"? (re @adafede: Looks really cool, maybe the very subtle nuance to make it perfect: [22:43:46] https://www.gymglish.com/fr/frantastique-orthographe/regles-...) [22:44:38] connected 👍 (re @Ideophagous: The implementation for Moroccan Arabic is complete: Z16173) [22:44:49] There are only 8 cases where you write centS [22:44:58] 200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 [22:45:35] Ah, alright. It's simpler then. [22:46:11] Thanks! All tests passed. (re @Al: connected 👍) [22:50:05] Al can you disconnect Z16165 so I can save my edit ? [22:51:44] Yep (re @Ideophagous: Al can you disconnect Z16165 so I can save my edit ?) [22:52:53] for some reason I always get indentation issues when I modify the function directly on the page [22:57:42] I'm done with editing Z16165. let me know if it works as you expect. (re @adafede: There are only 8 cases where you write centS) [22:58:04] Are you using the tab key? (re @Ideophagous: for some reason I always get indentation issues when I modify the function directly on the page) [22:59:00] probably worth adding tests for the case you addressed? :) [22:59:01] And thank you for it, looks good! (re @Ideophagous: I'm done with editing Z16165. let me know if it works as you expect.) [22:59:03] I just use type enter for the next line and the indentation is automatically adjusted [23:00:33] Well, mostly… but if you need an extra indent, it has to be a tab, not spaces [23:04:58] I added the tests. (re @adafede: probably worth adding tests for the case you addressed? :) [23:04:59] And thank you for it, looks good!) [23:11:19] I connected the tests but one has an error, so I left the implementation disconnected. (re @Ideophagous: I added the tests.) [23:41:46] That one is just a timeout error (re @Al: I connected the tests but one has an error, so I left the implementation disconnected.) [23:57:15] I fixed it (re @Al: I connected the tests but one has an error, so I left the implementation disconnected.)