[00:16:24] well that is an interesting start! Good job. (re @Al: (and you have to reference the month directly, not specify Z16098 first)) [05:46:37] I have trouble seeing how the output of Z828 (or any function) can be a *persistent* object. (re @Al: (and you have to reference the month directly, not specify Z16098 first)) [07:09:53] I really don't understand what Z828 does. In fact I can't even work out what a Z99 is in the first place. (re @Al: Any thoughts on Z16558? I can’t get the argument reference to work. The composition succeeds with hardcoded Z16112.) [09:10:56] The output isn’t *persistent*, it’s just a representation of the JSON object that it fetches from. So it is functionally equivalent to viewing a persistent object’s wiki page. (re @Toby: I have trouble seeing how the output of Z828 (or any function) can be a *persistent* object.) [09:22:02] Z99 is just a wrapper that stops its contents being interpreted (so a function call isn’t evaluated and a reference isn’t de-referenced). If you don’t “quote” an ID, it will be replaced by the object’s Z2K2 before evaluation begins (and in the case of Z828, it would not find the referenced object because it would no longer have its ID, but its value). (re @Toby: I rea [09:22:03] [09:22:04] lly don't understand what Z828 does. In fact I can't even work out what a Z99 is in the first place.)