[02:27:37] The "formula [you] have never seen before" was indeed invented for Wikifunctions, and used the knuckle method as inspiration. The 2 is due to the alternation of knuckle/valleys, and the 8 is because August is the month where you switch to the next hand. (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 157: A single singular or a plurality of plurals? -- [02:27:37] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions [02:27:38] :Status_updates/...) [04:04:18] The javascript version Z16579 has a 7 instead, and an offset of 1, because we defined the month indexing differently. This has the benefit of working for even more than two hands (each with 7 knuckle/valleys) if you wanted to continue the knuckle method to non-existent months. (re @Toby: The "formula ... never seen before" was indeed invented for Wikifunctions, and used [04:04:18] the knuck [04:04:18] le method as inspiration. The 2 is ...) [04:31:32] Do you mind if I add that to the newsletter? (re @Toby: The "unusual formula ... never seen before" was indeed invented for Wikifunctions, and used the knuckle method as inspiration. T...) [04:46:31] Sure! (re @vrandecic: Do you mind if I add that to the newsletter?) [08:44:01] I’ve had a bit of a think and tried a few things but I really can’t see any way to get from an evaluated object to its (persistent) labels. I think we can only get to the labels with Z828 and we can only give that the quoted reference it requires as a direct input (because otherwise the evaluation is quoted and, therefore, not evaluated). Unless someone has a cunning plan [08:44:02] ( @ [08:44:02] vrandecic ), I’ll file a Feature Request over the weekend. (re @Toby: well that is an interesting start! Good job.) [13:00:41] The persistent object labels don’t get passed around. I think you’re thinking of function labels. I don’t think being able to express a date using the name of the month is an unreasonable use case but, yeah, I guess they ought to be Wikidata lexical items (in due course) (re @Toby: In the meantime I've realised it may be an unfair expectation. Maybe labels are meant to be [13:00:41] d [13:00:41] ocumentation of the data/functions ...) [13:47:08] <Марк> Amazing! (re @Sannita: Hi all! Our next Volunteers' Corner will be held on June 3, at 17:30 UTC. [13:47:08] <Марк> If you have questions or ideas to discuss, or you wan...) [14:58:04] The original idea was for the labels to be accessible. That's why they're using the same data model. A feature request would be good. [16:11:26] Examples, or a link where I can find more info? (re @Al: I rather like the Japanese approach of changing the numeral according to the shape of the items being counted 🤔) [16:15:59] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_counter_word Q2116774 👍 (re @haaaah: Examples, or a link where I can find more info? [16:15:59] Edit, probably this: [16:16:00] 冊 for books, 本 for long, cylindrical objects, and so on) [16:16:22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_counter_word Q2116774 👍 (re @haaaah: Examples, or a link where I can find more info? [16:16:23] Edit, probably this: [16:16:24] 冊 for books, 本 for long, cylindrical objects, and so on) [16:28:22] I’m on it 😎👍 (re @vrandecic: The original idea was for the labels to be accessible. That's why they're using the same data model. A feature request would be ...) [16:41:09] I was mostly wondering about the classification: [16:41:09] Common counters by category [16:41:11] It's similar to English and other languages, but more broadly applied? (re @Al: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_counter_word Q2116774 👍) [17:23:58] Never seen this before: [17:23:59] Actual result: { "Z1K1": "Z5", "Z5K1": "Z564", "Z5K2": { "Z1K1": { "Z1K1": "Z7", "Z7K1": "Z885", "Z885K1": "Z564" }, "Z564K1": "[2024-05-31 17:19:47.793] [error] execution failed: out of bounds memory access, Code: 0x88\n[2024-05-31 17:19:47.794] [error] When executing function name: \"_start\"" } } [17:40:54] Fancy, that's a WASM segfault [17:50:43] Is it only temporarily fatal? 🤷‍♂️ (re @wmtelegram_bot: Fancy, that's a WASM segfault) [18:05:51] <Марк> Edit with confidence! I haven't figured out Wikipedia yet, But you can help Wikifunctions! (re @Al: Is it only temporarily fatal? 🤷‍♂️) [18:08:35] Yeah, it’s half working again now 😎 (re @Марк: Edit with confidence! I haven't figured out Wikipedia yet, But you can help Wikifunctions!) [18:35:59] I have actually achieved success, honestly… Z16580 was able to give me the Swedish label for each Gregorian calendar month. Whether it will ever work again remains to be seen, but I am always “out of bounds” for the time being 😎 (re @Toby: In the meantime I've realised it may be an unfair expectation. Maybe labels are meant to be documentation of the data/functions ...) [18:42:51] We'll do our best to make (something like) that work again! And... work consistently. [18:44:52] Thank you. I’ll still raise the Feature Request. (re @vrandecic: We'll do our best to make (something like) that work again! And... work consistently.) [18:45:14] Yes, please do so [18:46:24] would anyone have any idea how to deal with numbers in Breton? [18:46:24] I did a quick summary on https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Project_chat#Numbers but I can provide more information if needed [18:54:38] to start at the very beginning: how should I deal with for Breton cardinal? https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Cardinal_numbers [18:54:39] should I create one general function (integrating the noun counted and its gender as parameter) or several smaller functions (one for masculine, one for feminine, and so one, with probably a lot of duplicated code given the overlap...) [19:15:09] I’d probably start with the pure cardinals: the words you use for counting and mathematics, if you have them. Or you could focus on the forms used for days of the month and years, so that dates can be represented as text (that’s why I did the ordinal functions for English, because we use ordinals for all the days of the month… thinking about it, we use different words for [19:15:09] y [19:15:09] ears, because we typically split at the century: “nineteen eighty-four” and then we’re not sure what to do for a decade or two into a new century 😂) (re @Nicolas: to start at the very beginning: how should I deal with for Breton cardinal? https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Car...) [19:18:41] yes, we have them [19:18:42] but numbers 2, 3 and 4 (and all numbers with these units, like 22, 53, 104, etc.) are still gendered so it would probably make sense to integrate them directly (and I hope/guess it should be quite easy, just one more parameter for gender and a few lines of code) (re @Al: I’d probably start with the pure cardinals: the words you use for counting and mathematics, if [19:18:42] you have them [19:18:44] . Or you could focus...) [19:31:54] I got the impression it was only the small part of the number that varied, which is similar to English ordinals… but English cardinal already existed and transforming one into the other is straightforward so… the question didn’t arise. That said, when I wrote English ordinal from cardinal, I made it self-inverse so it is also English cardinal from ordinal. I would at [19:31:54] least [19:31:54] have thought about the inverse function for English cardinal before writing that. (re @Nicolas: yes, we have them [19:31:56] but numbers 2, 3 and 4 (and all numbers with these units, like 22, 53, 104, etc.) are still gendered so it wou...)