[09:28:12] 328 [10:54:05] I subscribed you to *T366459* [10:54:06] Iā€™m happy to refine this in response to comments. Project Chat topic: https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Project_chat#Wikifunctions_labels_in_functions (re @vrandecic: Yes, please do so) [13:16:19] Well, that was fun! Z16633 I took a look at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welsh_numerals and that has even more complications than Breton! (re @Nicolas: would anyone have any idea how to deal with numbers in Breton? [13:16:20] I did a quick summary on https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikif...) [17:01:08] Hi everyone! Just a reminder that the Volunteers' Corner will start in 30 minutes. See you there! šŸ˜Š (re @Sannita: Hi all! Our next Volunteers' Corner will be held on June 3, at 17:30 UTC. [17:01:08] If you have questions or ideas to discuss, or you wan...) [18:24:00] Done! I hope I didn't mess up the translation mark up (re @vrandecic: Do you mind if I add that to the newsletter?) [18:29:32] PSA: as discussed in today's Volunteers' Corner, we will soon be adding two types on Wikifunctions for testing purposes. Both types will be labeled with "do not use" for now. Please don't use them yet. The two types are an enumeration for signs (positive, neutral, negative) and our first complex type, integer numbers, composed of the new sign type and the natural [18:29:32] number type. We' [18:29:32] ll keep you updated about how we proceed with these tests in the following days. If you have questions or comments, please feel free. [18:33:11] (re @vrandecic: PSA: as discussed in today's Volunteers' Corner, we will soon be adding two types on Wikifunctions for testing purposes. Both ty...)