[04:14:51] Thanks! Good catch. Fixed. [04:14:51] And if I understand the translation system right I fixed it in all languages simultaneously. Yeah B) [11:09:23] Hey, [11:09:24] Someone is asking me, is it possible to run a function against a lot of cases ? [11:09:26] For instance, test https://www.wikifunctions.org/view/fr/Z11591 on all the 70k adjectives on https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/Catégorie:Adjectifs_en_français [11:09:27] and if it's possible, what would be the best way? [11:11:13] Is this in preparation for some mass Wikidata import? [11:13:10] just testing the function (as there is so many exceptions), curious what percentage is correct right now [11:13:11] I didn't thought about import them on Lexemes (again, because exceptions) but now that you mention it, it could be a good idea ;) (re @mahir256: Is this in preparation for some mass Wikidata import?) [11:18:37] invoking @vrandecic then 👹 (re @Toby: Yes. Last time I tried it Denny showed me a PAWS script that called the old secret internal API. I presume now the new API shoul...) [11:18:41] ok, so there is a Wikifunctions endpoint that allows you to call arbitrary functions at www.wikifunctions.org/w/api.php?action=wikifunctions_run -- which you could call one adjective at a time [11:21:12] is there documentation somewhere? (how to use it, etc.) [11:21:14] can I call it 70 000 times or will it break the servers? (re @mahir256: ok, so there is a Wikifunctions endpoint that allows you to call arbitrary functions at www.wikifunctions.org/w/api.php?action=w...) [11:22:30] If you do it all in fractions of a second, possibly :) But if you spread it out, WMF production servers should handle it (I hope!) [11:25:29] I would hope so (lexeme-forms.toolforge.org uses that endpoint), but I can't find it for some reason (re @Nicolas: is there documentation somewhere? (how to use it, etc.) [11:25:30] can I call it 70 000 times or will it break the servers?) [11:25:33] I hope too but better safe than sorry, I prefer to have some insights before (re @Jan_ainali: If you do it all in fractions of a second, possibly :) But if you spread it out, WMF production servers should handle it (I hope...) [15:38:49] Yes, you can, if you do it slow enough, as Jan pointed out. Which for 70k results may take... a while? Because I'd love to ask to start with 10s or 5s frequency (and see if that works well before speeding up maybe). But I understand that would take about a week to run that through 70k entries. I'm aware we need to speed this up. [15:40:35] Oh, that is a good clarification. I was thinking that something like 5 per second would be cool 😅 [15:44:15] No, not yet. We should get there eventually, obviously, but for now one query each ten seconds is more like it... [15:44:39] Is there rather no way of pulling the function locally and then run it against the list of 70k in…seconds probably? [15:45:00] Yes, that would be much better for the given use case [15:45:17] There is no easy general way to do that right now [15:45:47] But if the implementation is in JavaScript or Python, it should just work to copy it locally in most cases [15:46:16] That would finish within seconds instead of, uhm, weeks [18:24:37] Newsletter 158: New Type: Sign - and a lot of Recent Changes in the software! - https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-06-06 [23:47:19] You mentioned in the VC recording that you'd gone through all functions with months as inputs. How do you do that? I wasn't aware this was possible, but I would use it for sure. P.S. Sorry I've dropped the ball on updating the catalogue for month functions. I'll start populating that. (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 158: New Type: Sign - and a lot of Recent Changes in the [23:47:19] software! - [23:47:20] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions...) [23:51:17] I have a script that keeps a local copy of the database as files and then I run scripts on that to find all objects with certain conditions. It really should be a special page, but we don't have that yet.