[00:08:14] At 24:48 of the VC recording you show a "too many function calls" error which has an error summary of "Error in evaluation", and you had to read right to the bottom to know why. I wonder if it's easy to bubble the "You have too many function calls" up to the top summary as well? Is this kind of thing already in the development plan? (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 158: New [00:08:14] Type: Sign [00:08:15] - and a lot of Recent Changes in the software! - https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions...) [01:29:26] Yes, we want to make error messages much more easier to understand. Not sure if we'll just bubble it up, but at least hide all the ZIDs and the JSON stuff. [04:37:10] I found a meaningful way to use "sign" while we wait for integers: Z16718 [14:01:27] That is actually really cool