[00:51:10] If you click on hide in the sidebars, does it help? [00:51:43] Also, if it gets too tight, the three bars in the middle should collapse to one [00:52:31] (and the sidebars should automatically hide) [07:32:28] Yes, they have always been collapsed to one until now. I don’t know what changed or how to fix it. If there is no control available, I’ll raise a bug report. (re @vrandecic: Also, if it gets too tight, the three bars in the middle should collapse to one) [15:43:05] Hello all! One of our objectives for these months is to create a basic presentation about Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia. Our current draft will be shared in the next weeks, once finalised, and it will likely be improved by your feedback, but right now we want to ask you some questions: [15:43:05] 1) Have you already had a presentation about Wikifunctions/Abstract Wikipedia? If so, how did it go? [15:43:07] 2) If not, are you planning to do one in the future? And what kind of help would you need for it, if any? [15:43:08] Feel free to reach out at the Project chat (https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Project_chat#Presentations_about_Wikifunctions_and_Abstract_Wikipedia), or on my talk page (https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/User_talk:Sannita_(WMF)), or via email (https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Special:EmailUser/Sannita_(WMF)) if you wish! And thanks in advance for [15:43:09] your help! [16:22:49] Timeless is almost usable 😮👍 (re @vrandecic: If you click on hide in the sidebars, does it help?) [18:25:48] We do not support Timeless explicitly, just to point it out. [18:27:09] Yeah, but it’s currently more usable than the default 🤷‍♂️ (re @vrandecic: We do not support Timeless explicitly, just to point it out.) [18:50:40] Ouch [19:04:12] You feel my pain? 🙁 : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/c09e3807/file_61622.jpg [19:12:50] To be honest, no. What's wrong here? The three columns? [19:13:13] Is this mobile or desktop? [19:13:43] Yes, three columns on a phone without zooming isn't fun [19:13:45] Mobile (re @vrandecic: Is this mobile or desktop?) [19:14:08] (that's what responsive design is about, yes? collapsing columns when the view gets too narrow?) [19:14:24] Aaah! Sorry, misunderstood [19:14:35] Yes exactly, it should collapse to a single column [19:14:58] And the font might be a bit bigger [19:16:45] This is how it looks for me [19:16:54] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/90eb6c75/file_61624.jpg [19:18:24] I don’t have a problem with the font size. I only ever had a single column before and it’s been fine. It just changed yesterday and I have no idea why. (re @vrandecic: And the font might be a bit bigger) [19:19:22] What happens if you switch to the mobile view, at the bottom of the page [19:21:47] I get mobile view but that doesn’t zoom. (re @vrandecic: What happens if you switch to the mobile view, at the bottom of the page) [19:22:39] Ok, I think I get it now, thanks [19:22:56] Even without mobile, there shouldn't be three columns [19:23:13] Somethings off. I'll take it to the team, thanks! [19:23:44] You’re welcome… Thank you! (re @vrandecic: Somethings off. I'll take it to the team, thanks!) [19:24:27] And yesterday was deployment day, so yeah, something probably broke [20:28:33] Newsletter 159: [20:28:34] * New Type: Igbo calendar months [20:28:35] * Presentation in Munich next week by Kristbaum [20:28:37] * Recent Changes in the software [20:28:38] * Function of the Week: do these charges electrostatically attract? [20:28:40] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-06-13 [20:37:55] Yay! Z13560 finally works. Thank you all! It’s very greedy, though, so I’m not sure I should connect it 🤔 (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 159: [20:37:55] * New Type: Igbo calendar months [20:37:56] * Presentation in Munich next week by Kristbaum [20:37:58] * Recent Changes in the softwar...) [20:53:19] Yay! 🙂 I hope that we are going to officially declare the work on "lists of more types" done in the next few weeks, but it's good some of the stuff is starting to work. [20:56:00] Right… I’ll leave it disconnected until the announcement 😎👍 (re @vrandecic: Yay! 🙂 I hope that we are going to officially declare the work on "lists of more types" done in the next few weeks, but it's goo...) [20:58:14] Thank you! [21:17:01] What about on beta? - https://wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Main_Page (re @Al: I get mobile view but that doesn’t zoom.) [21:41:05] That’s more like it. I’d like to be able to zoom out for the bigger picture (and also have sidebars) but it’s better than mobile view on the main site, and better than the current Vector 2022 there (but not as good as that was before yesterday). (re @vrandecic: What about on beta? - https://wikifunctions.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Main_Page) [23:03:11] dammit, I got all the way through writing a second composition implementation for the “electrostatically attract” function (“isn’t that just the same as ‘different sign’?”) before realizing it’s not the same >:D [23:03:18] at least there was a test to catch it before I published anything ^^ [23:04:22] (the difference is that “neutral” is a possible sign, and “positive” and “neutral” are different signs yet don’t attract) [23:06:59] (and creating the implementation took longer than it should have because, even once I figured out that I didn’t need to compose “different sign” out of other functions, these two configurations don’t do the same thing and I tried the wrong one first) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/4e97e6c1/file_61636.jpg [23:06:59] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/8da7da86/file_61637.jpg