[20:34:53] Hallo. [20:35:19] What are Serialisers and Deserialisers/ [20:35:59] They are mentioned in a bunch of new messages to translate, but there's no definition written in any usual places. [20:36:40] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Glossary has serialization and deserialization, but not serializer and deserializer. [20:37:30] Is a serializer a function that performs serialization? Or something else? [21:12:12] Toby , do you have a different definition? [21:23:14] We changed the terms to "converters", particularly "converters to code" and "converters from code". We should indeed check to fix all messages to not use the outdated terms anymore. Thanks for reporting! [21:28:20] Filed T367926 [21:43:14] OK. What's really curious, however, is that _all_ the messages that use these terms were added this month :) (re @vrandecic: We changed the terms to "converters", particularly "converters to code" and "converters from code". We should indeed check to fi...) [21:44:10] Also, is "converter" defined anywhere? [21:44:34] There's "type converter" in the Glossary. Is it the same thing? I suspect that it isn't. [21:45:12] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Glossary#type_converter [21:45:18] in fact it is! [21:45:29] OK :) [21:46:30] oh, we do have another notion of serialization... outputting objects in JSON strings... [21:46:32] *sigh* [21:46:44] terminology is hard [21:50:12] “Converter to JSON”, “Converter from JSON”? [21:50:29] It's easier when you have annoying translators who actually care about translating things correctly :) [21:50:39] I don't think that's a particularly user facing thing unless something goes wrong. I guess it's in some error messages? [21:50:52] (All translators should care about this, not all do.) (re @amire80: It's easier when you have annoying translators who actually care about translating things correctly :)) [21:50:56] It's certainly easier to find the errors 🙂 [21:51:22] It's in descriptions of user rights. (re @vrandecic: I don't think that's a particularly user facing thing unless something goes wrong. I guess it's in some error messages?) [21:51:43] we just should use Z-IDs... [23:09:35] Whoops, sorry, that was a misclick as I woke up this morning. Meant to be thumbs up 👍 (re @amire80: Toby , do you have a different definition?)