[01:49:40] Where is this error coming from in Z17248? It looks like a Javascript integer vs bigint issue, but the composition only calls two possible JS sub-implementations: Z17339 and Z16699, and I can't see where either assumes anything about the type of Int. : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/8873d3c9/file_62063.jpg [01:55:18] Actually, it may be using a composition for the negation. So Z16681 and Z17196 come into play. Signs use regular int's right, so "return -1 * Z16676K1;" is okay? (re @Toby: Where is this error coming from in Z17248? It looks like a Javascript integer vs bigint issue, but the composition only calls tw...) [02:08:26] Some more weird fails which don't look like timeouts. All three implementations fail for Z16680: : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/939c1b34/file_62064.jpg [19:20:59] missing project alert! ;) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/64f3b9cd/file_62091.jpg [19:21:01] (wikimania registration) [19:44:51] thanks, forwarded internally [19:46:49] Weird indeed! Two of them work for me again, and one fails, but with a different error message. I will file a bug soon. (re @Toby: Some more weird fails which don't look like timeouts. All three implementations fail for Z16680:) [21:53:33] (re @vrandecic: Newsletter 161: Welcome, Daphne! [21:53:34] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-06-26) [22:19:26] filed T368681