[09:29:56] …and the one that fails passes when I edit the source 🤔 It may not be the explanation, but I don’t like the look of Z16665. The switch statement has no default, so it’s feasible that x could remain empty. Case uses strict equality, so there might be an issue with precision somewhere along the line 🤷‍♂️ (re @vrandecic: Weird indeed! Two of them work for me again, message> [09:29:57] and one fails, but with a different error message. I will file a bug soon.) [09:31:45] hello hello! just wanted to let you all know that we published a page with a design proposal on how we're planning to (hopefully!) improve the about widget (the box where you add labels to an object). if you have any feedback feel free to leave a note on the discussion page. we'd love to hear what do you think is working well, what can be improved, anything that [09:31:45] we missed, etc. a [09:31:46] s always, a big thank you! https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Design/About_widget_improvements [14:09:41] Hi all! Our next *Volunteers' Corner* will be held on July 1, at 17:30 UTC (https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1719855000). [14:09:42] If you have questions or ideas to discuss, or you want to get in touch with the dev team, please join us! The link to the meeting is https://meet.google.com/xuy-njxh-rkw [14:09:43] Hope to see you there! [14:09:45] (re @Sannita: Hi all! Our next Volunteers' Corner will be held on July 1, at 17:30 UTC. [14:09:46] If you have questions or ideas to discuss, or you wan...) [14:18:40] And since we're on the announcement side today 😁 I just wanted to share that, in the last weeks, we worked to produce a basic presentation about Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia that could be freely reusable and editable by you users. [14:18:40] I am happy to share that the version 1.0 of the slidedeck (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DpMFuPDsSotV2a6mdBrUSEVLRARLY6a1-K4tMRW0KkM/edit) is now freely available and downloadable! Feel free to download it in the format you like and translate it or modify it to your liking. You can also comment on slides, if you want to give us feedback or you need [14:18:40] clarifications. [14:18:42] (Yes, we know is a Google Doc link, we apologise for that, but Commons doesn't allow us to upload the editable version. If this is a problem for you, reach out to me in private, and I'll send you a .odp version of it) [14:18:43] Full announcement is available at the Project Chat: https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Project_chat#A_freely_editable_presentation_about_Wikifunctions_&_Abstract_Wikipedia_is_available [14:18:45] Hope you like it! [16:40:31] I changed Z16665 based on that feedback, and maybe it will fix a few issues. Or at least eliminate that as a possible source of errors. (re @Al: …and the one that fails passes when I edit the source 🤔 It may not be the explanation, but I don’t like the look of Z16665. The ...) [17:25:38] I can’t edit it, but I don’t think you want to be testing x in lines 4 and 5. We’ll get a lot of neutrals that way… (re @vrandecic: I changed Z16665 based on that feedback, and maybe it will fix a few issues. Or at least eliminate that as a possible source of ...) [17:50:27] Ouch, you're right. Fixed. It probably was just lucky that it worked on the two functions I tried it out. [17:56:39] Thanks. Looks better… Z16789… 😎👍 (re @vrandecic: Ouch, you're right. Fixed. It probably was just lucky that it worked on the two functions I tried it out.) [20:33:06] 8458