[01:02:37] Newsletter 163: [01:02:38] * Type proposals for accessing Lexemes [01:02:40] * Typed lists now open beyond Booleans and Strings [01:02:41] * Recording of the Volunteers' Corner available on Commons [01:02:42] * Recent Changes in the software [01:02:44] * Function of the Week: Greates common divisor [01:02:45] https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Status_updates/2024-07-10 [01:07:00] That's the neat thing: you can go and create another implementation, without having to even remove or delete the existing one! (re @haaaah: Definitely! [01:07:00] That looks like a really inefficient way to implement that ackermann like function. Instead of just recursion, it's...) [13:18:49] Al made an interresting comment on the type proposals for lexemes https://www.wikifunctions.org/wiki/Wikifunctions:Type_proposals/Wikidata_based_types [13:18:50] words are weird and we definitely need a system that could take into account this weirdness (especially for me in Breton where both graph and dialect are making the things even weirder than usual...) [15:12:00] Nicolas: Note that we're intentionally more expansive about what we consider a "language" in WF/AW precisely because of this. If you think readers/editors would be better served by having dialects of Breton, we can create them as "languages" and support people that way. But of course that becomes complicated in how we'd load content from Wikidata Lexemes if their community doesn't follow suit, so we'd need to have a discussion about [15:12:00] the [15:12:00] implications first.